
Some of my homilies, sermons, and thoughts about Christianity, faith and justice, hip hop, and sometimes comic books!

Guesnerth Josué Perea Guesnerth Josué Perea

AfroColombian, AfroLatino Thoughts on Juneteenth

Juneteenth is important for all people of African descent because in a world that continues to deny Blackness and problematize and otherize Black bodies, it is a reminder that there are people who believe in freedom and equality for all.

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Guesnerth Josué Perea Guesnerth Josué Perea

Representando donde quiera: The Afro-Latin@ lived experience

For us to fully recognize, affirm, and value Afro-Latinidad as an identity, as a lived experience, and as an expression of the fullness of Latinidad, we also have to challenge our racialized theologies and challenge the use of antiquated language, theories and terminologies that all have one purpose, black erasure

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Guesnerth Josué Perea Guesnerth Josué Perea

Assuaging Witnesses

From the New Testament’s perspective, at least, the church should expect to deliver testimony in dismal circumstances. United to an incarnate and suffering God

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Guesnerth Josué Perea Guesnerth Josué Perea

Going Through Tough Times

Throughout this life, our life, our walk upon this earth, we go through moments of difficulty. Moments of pain. Places of pain remind us of what we go through.

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Guesnerth Josué Perea Guesnerth Josué Perea

After Christmas

it is the time after Christmas, after the Savior arrives, that will define us and define our adherence to the creeds of Christianity. The gift that we received from God at Christmas needs to be greatly displayed in how we live after Christmas.

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